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【History and Legend】 Humans and Animals- Chapter 4: Imaginary Travel ~ Nine-tailed Fox Loves to Travel






Because it (nine-tailed Fox) couldn't speak for itself, it had been charged with being vilified and had to wander here and there.

























【Small story 1】 Nine-tailed Fox Travels for Love


In ancient times, the nine-tailed fox was a good and deified totem animal; after the Han Dynasty, it was gradually vilified.



The First Part of the Trip-South Tianzhu (Modern India)


Southern Tianzhu refers to the northeast of modern India.


It is speculated that in addition to Buddhism, martial arts, and sugar cane, India also brought legendary animals and stories into the Central Plains.


Sugarcane: Cane sugar originated in ancient India (about 8000 years ago). To make cane sugar, the Indian used sugarcane to extract sugarcane juice and burn it with firewood to thicken it. The water evaporated and turned into brown sugar cubes.
Before the introduction of cane sugar into the Central Plains, the only sugar consumed by the Central Plains were honey and maltose (malt sugar).
Sugar appeared in the Han Dynasty (approximately 200 BC to 200 AD).
During the Tang Dynasty (approximately AD 600-900), the Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty sent people to Magadha to obtain the method of the sugar cane (brown sugar) production, which was developed throughout Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia.
During the Northern Song Dynasty (approximately 900 to 1100 AD), rock candy was made.
Sugarcane planting appeared in the Central Plains, including Fujian, Sichuan, Guangdong, Zhejiang.





Cane (sugar) travel map




【Interesting to Know】 Does sugarcane bloom?



It turns out that sugarcane blooms like this. In some areas, sugarcane is harvested before it blooms to make sugar, and in some areas, sugar cane is harvested to make sugar after it blooms.














PS: Generally, sugarcane is divided into green peel and purple peel. Green peeled sugarcane is high in sucrose and is often used to make sugar; purple peeled sugarcane has a sweeter taste than green peeled sugarcane, so it is often eaten directly.


update: 18/4/2018



About martial arts: Legend has it that a monk from India passed through Shaolin Temple and saw that the monk was bullied. He couldn't bear it and decided to teach them a set of martial arts, which can protect themselves and build up bodies. Martial arts then gradually developed and became the Shaolin Temple martial arts nowadays.

About the animal: the first nine-tailed fox was found in India and transformed into a beautiful woman, who was also the princess of the prince of Southern Tianzhu (Magadha, ancient India). She wanted the prince to sacrifice a thousand lives to the Great Dark Sky. (Was this true?) It (the nine-tailed fox), which might be misunderstood, was eventually forced into exile and embarked on the first journey from India to the Central Plains.

















The Second Part of the journey - The Land Travel (going to the Central Plains by hiking travel)

The Nine-tailed Fox became Daji, who was the favorite consort of King Zhou of Shang in the Shang dynasty (nowadays Henan) in ancient China when the fox had arrived in the Central Plain. The Nine-tailed Fox was vilified again following the fall of the Shang dynasty. The second travel into exile started for the Nine-tailed Fox.

























The Third Part of the journey - The sea travel (going to Japan by ships)

The legend -1

The Nine-tailed Fox (the following as she), who was in exile traveling in China, went to Japan with Japanese missions to Tang China by a ship. The Nine-tailed Fox was adopted by a couple of samurai in the Heian period and grow up. (Nowadays, Kyoto and Nara) She was selected to the palace of Japan on predestination due to her outstanding talent and appearance, the most favored woman of Emperor Toba. Soon after, the Emperor was extremely ill and his courtiers began to blame on her. They hired an onmyōji (a yin-and-yang master). Finally, the Nine-tailed Fox, who might be misunderstood, was forced to leave the Peacefull capital.



The legend -2

There is a volcanic rock called "Killing Stone" (Sessho-Seki) in the hot spring area of Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. 
She left the grudge behind to become a toxic stone after the Nine-tailed Fox had left. Until, a Buddhist monk had broken the stone into three pieces which of them one flew to Aizu (Fukushima Prefecture, Japan), another to Bizen (Okayama Prefecture, Japan), the other stayed there. 
In fact, this toxic gas comes from the local volcano that indirectly causes this local land without any living plants.





PS:We thought this journey was very sad. The Nine-tailed Fox had heartbroken and also had three vilified; hence, it decided to travel. Leave silently these three places that made it sad.



















【Easy General knowledge】What was Japan with ''Japanese missions to Tang China''?

Ans: A crowd of Japanese traveled to the Tang Dynasty to learn from the culture and skills of the Tang Dynasty by ships.



 [History tour in Japan.





The Fourth Part of the journey - Imaginary Travel (Swimming and climbing to the Korea Peninsula)





We supposed after the Nine-tailed Fox had left the sad place and channeled its anger into power, it swam through the Yalu River and climbed to the 38th parallel. Arrived at the Korean Peninsula.





The Nine-tailed Fox had met a ginseng and talked to its sorrowful past, chatted about the life.













  九尾狐是古代傳說中的動物,傳說牠活到多少年後,就會分成 2 條尾巴?而 9 條尾巴是極限,象徵著不死之身。有強大的法力,能變化人類的樣貌。


(1)160 ~ 180 年(2)800 ~ 900 年(3)8000 ~ 9000 年(4)2500 ~ 4000 年 













20 年 一條 = 160 ~ 180 年
100 年 一條 = 800 ~ 900 年
1000 年 一條 = 8000 ~ 9000 年
500 年 兩條 = 2500 ~ 4000 年




Therefore, there are many stories about the Nine-tailed Fox in Korea now of which are some naive, some lonely, and some hurt by humans. But sometimes also can fight back.


 [Tour in Korea




【Interesting】Guess, how many years are nine tails?

The Nine-tailed Fox was an animal in the ancient legend. How many years after its living when its tail would be divided into two? Moreover, the nine tails were the limits and symbolized immortality. Had strong power to transform into a human shape.

(1)160 ~ 180 years (2)800 ~ 900 years(3)8000 ~ 9000 years(4)2500 ~ 4000 years








Ans, all of the above. Because every legend has a variety of calculations.

A tail of 20 years = 160 ~ 180 years
A tail of 100 years = 800 ~ 900 years
A tail of 1000 years = 8000 ~ 9000 years
Two tails of 500 years = 2500 ~ 4000 years















【傳說 1】傳說人蔘會變成孩童?







【傳說 2】人蔘會跑?

























【小故事 2】白面狐神從天上到人間的旅行
















【The legend of ginseng】The travel of the 38the parallel.



【The legend -1】Does a ginseng transform into a child in legend?

An elder, who often travels and picks herbs on the mountain, said such a story. Once up a time, a little monk met a child when he had played in the forest. They became good friends and played together every day. The old monk secretly followed the little monk when he had found the little monk's energy was getting worse. He found the child, who played with the little monk, was transformed from a ginseng. Ginseng would absorb the essence of the sky, earth, humans so the little monk's energy was getting worse. The little monk had known the old monk decided to catch the ginseng and told the ginseng in advance. Lastly, the ginseng had sadly said goodbye to the little monk and left this forest. In the end, the old monk did not catch the ginseng.



【The legend -2】Does a ginseng run around?

Ginseng would not be in a fixed place in the legend. Therefore, people who dig ginseng use a red thread to tie at the stem of ginseng as a mark. It will find that the ginseng appears in a different location.




【Easy General knowledge】The factors and methods of digging ginsengs are different between China and Korea.

Once, our flight of fancy was to arrange the experience of digging ginseng. And we were being refused. Not everyone could go into the mountains to dig ginseng. This work needs a professional.

Ginsengs only appear at the 38th parallel in Korea. Digging ginseng must be males and wear white clothes and pants. Before starting work must have worship and cleanse on the mountain.

Ginsengs are grown up at Paektu Mountain in China. Outsiders were strictly prohibited to enter during the Qing Dynasty. Only the local villagers who protect here from generation to generation can enter to dig ginseng. The group of digging ginseng must be odd members. It has worship before entering the mountain. The digging process is tough because there are venomous snakes and wild beasts. Any fine roots (tail) of every ginseng can not be broken after digging out ginseng, and it must have plenty of patience and carefulness.


 [Tour in Paektu Mountain of northeast China.




【The little story -2】The white-faced fox deity's travel from heaven to earth.


The white-faced fox deity fell in love with a human.


Once, we saw a funny dance at a festival in a small town, Kyushu, Japan. The tour guide told such a story.
Once upon a time, there was a couple who lived in a small village, and the wife was the most beautiful woman. They had a happy life, but the only regret was that they have no child.
One day, the wife brought some offerings to worship in the shrine in order to pray for the birth of a child. The messenger of the white-faced fox deity secretly ate the offerings. The white-faced fox deity was angry; thus, he transformed into a white-faced fox to the human world.
The white-faced fox deity had seen the beautiful wife and fell in love with her. The deity started to lure her by dancing.
The husband danced another funny one for bringing back his wife. The husband danced another funny one for bringing back his wife; hence, he had a competition with the deity. (Had this dance-off on stage in ancient Japan?)





The villagers saw that funny dance and one after another joined this dance.



All villagers had joined this dance one by one and disappeared into the dense fog.






















In the end, the white-faced fox deity decided to not take the beautiful wife. Moreover, the deity warmly protected all villagers and this couple. The couple also had a child, and the village was continuing prosperity.


 [Island hopping tour in Kyushu, Japan.




【Easy General knowledge】How do foxes hunt the prey who hide in the snow?

Suddenly a fox leaps into the air and dive-bombs straight down into the snow when it foraged on the snow in winter. And succeeded to catch the prey.

The sciences found foxes can perceive utilizing Earth’s magnetic field to know the distance between the prey and itself. Therefore, it can succeed to hunt in the snow where are badly see any prey.


【to be continue … 待續】







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