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【NEW!】 Acorn Tour reunion !


一開始聽阿仲說,來了一封類似廣告信,我們也都以為是..... 後來再請阿仲去了解,原來是報社記者發現我們和一般旅行社不一樣,還花了好幾個星期去了解我們網站內容,希望可以來採訪我們。







第一次在台灣,被自己國家的記者發現,在將近快2年時間裡,我們寫了很多故事,開始有人看見,還願意花時間去研究、去了解, 說實話,有些人的作品,可能花了他10年的時間或一輩子,也不一定會被發現或認同,而鬱鬱寡歡……我們說是幸運,也是努力。


終於忙到12月底,才約好時間完成採訪…順便有機會拍了個真人版大合照~ (可惜還有一些在世界各地夥伴這次沒辦法參與)


這次合照……有人穿的專業,有的穿半專業, 雖然也有人穿破牛仔褲(但絕對不是不重視,這可能是衣櫃裡最喜歡的一件) 雖然也有人戴著很像麥可的墨鏡(可能只是好害羞) 


從一開始手繪草稿版,變彩色插圖版……最後完成了真人版合照,也算是在2018年的一個 Happy Ending~ 



We received an email suddenly in one-day afternoon in October. 

Chung said this seemed like an advertisement letter at the beginning as well as we. Furthermore, asked Chung to figure out this letter. Turning out that there was a reporter from a newspaper who found us different from other travel agencies and hoped can interview us.

In fact, there just a word could express the mood at that moment. This word is "awesome".

The felt was like there was someone willing to take the time to view and understand our website.

We had been interviewed by the local television station and newspaper in foreign countries during travel around the world before this happened. Our travel has gone to some places where the local people wouldn't go hence they were curious why we were there and willing to their small villages or countryside.

I considered that was a sense of beauty.

Some people thought it was not beautiful but we did not agree. Some people thought there was not any tourism value but we did not agree. There were many touched or funny stories in there. To visit and to deeply understand these stories which were behind in these places. We do not care about these places are funny or popular.

Found us by a reporter of the newspaper in our own country that was the first time in Taiwan to us. we have been written stories for nearly 2 years, moreover, someone started to watch it and willingly gave their time for researching and understanding. In fact, someone's works may had taken 10 years or a lifetime that maybe not be discovered or recognition then they became depressed. We were lucky also had hard work.

This maybe was not a piece of big news, after all this was a shot in our arms that made our team had a little proud!

Finally, arranged a date to complete this interview after the busy end of December also had an opportunity to take live-action photos together. (However, there were still some worldwide partners who could not participate at this time.)

Only using psychokinesis of Acorn Tour to thinking about it in all time and we will reunion one day.

During this taking photos, someone wore professionally, others wore semi-professional, although someone wore ripped jeans (Absolutely, not to value it that maybe this was the favorite clothes in the closet), although someone wore the sunglasses which looked like Michael (Maybe just shy).

Anyway, hope we will on the same big map to take the completed photo with all worldwide partners of Acorn Tour the next time.

A draft by hand-drawn at the beginning became a colorful illustration version. At least, it completed live-action photos together that was one of the happy endings in 2018. 































ACORNTOUR dreams come true. 1

ACORNTOUR dreams come true. 2

ACORNTOUR dreams come true. 3

Acorn Vanguards













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